Congratulations to Derek Hoeferlin for publishing His Book, Way Beyond Bigness!

Way Beyond Bigness: The Need for a Watershed Architecture (AR+D Publishing, 2023)

Congratulations to friend and colleague Derek Hoeferlin for publishing Way Beyond Bigness: The Need for a Watershed Architecture (AR+D Publishing, 2023)! Derek has been painstakingly assembling this project for years. The result is a 592-page brick of a book, chock full of projects and essays! It features contributions from multiple authors, including Ian Caine’s “Synthetic Utopias for a Post-Katrina Era” which highlights several of the large-scale urban proposals that Derek and I developed at Washington University.

From the publisher:

Way Beyond Bigness is a design-research project that studies the Mekong, Mississippi and Rhine river basins, with particular focus on multi-scaled, water-based infrastructural transformation. The book highlights the author's comprehensive work of over more than a decade, including in depth field research across the Mekong, Mississippi and Rhine, along with a diverse body of academic and professional collaborations, ranging from the speculative to the community-based.

Pick up your copy today. Kudos Derek!